Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Projector Lens

It is not uncommon for the original purpose of your projector is not powerful enough to meet all your needs in terms of functionality. To overcome this problem, you can replace or supplement it with another goal to increase its capacity. Wide angle or telephoto lens , it is necessary to make sure that your projector can accommodate this type of accessory. To help you choose, this article will guide you.

Product Details
There are three kinds of projector lens on the market.
The standard lens: This is the original purpose which is provided when you buy your projector.
The wide angle lens: It allows you to enjoy a better field of vision by increasing the angle of view.
The telephoto lens: It increases the capacity of your zoom magnification. So you can project images of quality over a longer distance. With this extension, the power of your zoom can be increased to 3.5 X depending on model.
There are different brands offering targets for quality projector: SonyCanonNECEpson...
Know that the majority of manufacturers can develop models designed specially for their own brand. Thus, for safety, choose a target of the same brand as your projector.

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