Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to Get Six Pack Abs

Strengthen your abdominal core muscles and lose your body fat. The concept may sound simple, but putting it into action can be quite challenging. It will take dedication, time and patience to get a six pack; but in the end, the effort is well worth it. To get six pack abs you need to do two things: lose fat and build muscle . You get this by dieting and exercising daily. You can have the most toned and muscular abs, but it will not show if there is a layer of fat over them. This article will discuss ways in which you can accomplish both of these goals.

  1. Do cardio workouts. Important step to get six pack abs: There is no way to target fat loss in any area of your body. You need to lose some of that extra fat over your abs. Even if you work out and get gigantic ab muscles, if there is still a layer of fat over them no one will ever get to see them. Cardio workouts are workouts that raise your heart rate for a given set of time. Some examples would be runningjoggingbike riding, and rowing.
  2. Eat smaller dinners. Large dinners tend to hurt a fat loss process because most people aren't very active after dinner. This is the basis for advice along the lines of "don't eat anything within a certain number of hours before going to bed". The claim that your entire dinner is stored as fat isn't entirely true. The process is more complicated than that, but the fact you don't move after dinner is enough to hurt your cause. You can offset this by eating a larger lunch or snacking healthily before dinner. Fresh fruits or vegetables are excellent choices for curbing appetite not to mention other health benefits. A handful of nuts might do the same. Drink a large glass of water before sitting at the table.
  3. Eat breakfast. Many people skip breakfast because they don't have time for it. The harm of skipping breakfast from a weight loss perspective is it makes you eat a huge lunch since your body hasn't had anything in the past 12 (or more) hours. When you eat a huge lunch you get that after meal drowsiness so now you're both unproductive and inactive. Cereals don't take much time to prepare and consume, and most of them are very healthy nowadays. If you are extremely pressed for time, consider grabbing a box of breakfast bars or a smoothie and throwing one in your bag when you leave for work or school. Some breakfast bars out there are also excellent sources of fiber. Even an apple or a yogurt is better than nothing. Ideally, your breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, lunch the second, and dinner the smallest.
  4. Lift weights. The more muscle your body has, the more calories your body burns, even at rest. Plus, resistance training is important to limit the amount of muscle mass lost whilst reducing your calorie intake. If you only do cardiovascular exercises (running, playing basketball, football) without weight training then you may lose the muscle mass, including the muscle in your abs.
  5. Keep metabolism steady. Eating one small meal every three hours that you are awake will not speed up your metabolism, rather, it will keep it going. Your metabolism goes and slows with your food intake and eating something small every three hours will keep that metabolism burning calories and will help you lose weight. Every meal should include lean protein, so that your body won't need to break down your muscles for fuel, which would shrink your abs as well as slow down your metabolism.
  6. Drink more water every day. To find out how much water you need to drink as a minimum per day, halve your weight (in pounds) and that is how many ounces of water you need to drink. So a 150lb person would need to drink a minimum of 2.2 liters a day. It sounds like an absurd amount of water, but you get water from the food you eat, and you can drink teas and pure fruit juices to make up some of the quota.
    • Drinking too much water (several liters, especially while sweating) can dangerously dilute certain salts and minerals. If you are exercising heavily and sweating a lot, you will need to replace your salts as well as fluids. Supplement your water drinking with a sports drink or potassium rich fruits such as bananas and apples.
  7. Switch out refined grains for whole grains. In a scientific study, people who ate all whole grains (in addition to five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat dairy, and two servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry) lost more belly fat than another group that ate the same diet, but with all refined grains. A diet rich in whole grains changes the glucose and insulin response in your body, which hastens the melting of fat, and visceral fat, that deep layer of fat, is easier for your body to burn than the subcutaneous fat under your skin (the fat that you can see and grab).
  1. Do crunches. Lie on the floor (with or without a mat) with your arms in front of your chest or with your hands lightly touching your temples (never behind your head). Bend your knees. Raise your shoulders (upper torso) towards your knees, using strictly your abdominal muscles. It is very important to not lift your entire back off the floor, as this can cause back strain, and the extended movement does not help you develop six pack abs any faster. The most important part of the crunch is the initial flexing of your abs as you lift your shoulders off the floor. As soon as you begin lifting off the floor exhale through your mouth, ending with a gasp once your shoulders are off the floor. Then pause for a second once you are at the top of the crunch and exhale the last bit of air from your diaphragm while flexing your abs. Now lower back down slowly and controlled while inhaling through your nose, just until your shoulder blades touch the ground. Do not let your head touch the ground.
  2. Do sit ups. Lie on the floor, feet on the floor, knees up and hands crossed on your chest. Have someone hold your feet down, or wedge them underneath something heavy. Sit all the way up, lifting your lower back off the floor along with your shoulder blades. Keep your back straight (no hunching). Lower yourself down. Repeat. Once this becomes relatively easy for you (i.e. you can do a quite a bit with ease) start adding more challenges. Find an incline bench. Do weighted sit ups. Hold a weight on your chest while you do these. As these become easier, hold heavier and heavier weights.
  3. Train your entire core. To build really great abs it's important to first understand what abs do. Their full name is 'rectus abdominis'. The 'rectus' bit, is Latin for 'straight, proper, upright'. Contrary to popular opinion, the abs' primary job is not to curl you up into a ball, but they work together with the back muscles to maintain correct posture and stabilize the spine. These muscles are not just for show! So the best exercises for abs are ones that force your entire core to go into overdrive to support your spine. Some exercises that do this are squats and deadlifts. These exercises will train your entire core to work together to do what it is designed to do. At the same time they will also train a lot of other muscles (e.g. glutes and quads).
  4. Do leg lifts. Lie on the floor, legs straight out, hands at your sides. Lift your legs straight up (not bending your knees at all) until they're at a 90 degree angle (or close). Lower your legs and repeat without letting your legs touch the floor. For more challenge there is equipment at most gyms that will allow you to raise yourself up using your arms as support and dangle your legs. If you're using this piece of equipment, you can make it easier by just raising your knees to your chest. It's more difficult to raise your legs to a horizontal position with your legs straight. This helps firm up the lower abdomen. If you're truly a monster, try doing leg lifts with a medicine ball hanging from your feet. Or, hang from a pull up bar and raise your legs in front of you all the way up to the bar.
  5. Do jackknife sit ups. Lie down flat on the floor. Place your hands on the ground to your sides for balance; you can pick them up as you get used to the movement. Simultaneously raise your knees and torso so that your knees and face meet on an imaginary line extending from your pelvis to the ceiling. You should be able to Kiss your knees at the top of the motion. Your legs will naturally fold bringing your feet towards your hips, much like a jackknife. Lie back down (i.e. "spread out") and repeat. Don't let momentum bring you down, slowly put your hands and feet back on the ground. Place a weight between your feet when you think you can handle it.
  6. Do static holds. Put your body into the push-up position but with your elbows on the floor, and your whole body flat. This position is known as the static hold position, or the plank, and it trains your core (including your abs) to hold the body in place which is the real purpose of your abs. Hold this position for as long as possible. Beginners should be aiming to start off with at least 45 seconds, while seasoned ab workers are known to achieve over 5 minute static holds. To perform the side static hold, roll onto one side of your body and lift into the same position as before, but this time only one arm will be on the ground with the other arm pointed straight up the air and your non weight bearing leg resting on your bottom leg. Once again, hold this for as long as possible.
  7. Train your oblique muscles. It's not as important to work on your oblique muscles at first, but eventually you'll want to start working these too. These are the muscles to either side of your stomach. There are multiple ways to do this and anything that includes twisting your torso against a resistance counts. There are twisting machines at gyms, you can twist while you do sit-ups, you can do side bends, you can twist side to side with a medicine ball in hand, etc. Be aware though, that many beginners tend to have weak obliques compared to their abs (it simply isn't used as much in daily life) so go easy on the sides at first.
    • Do bicycle crunches. Lift your feet off the ground while doing the crunches by alternating each leg in the air. Bring your left knee up toward your right shoulder and then your right knee toward your left shoulder.
  8. Find new ways to crunch, bend and twist in your daily life. Some possibilities include:
    • Use a stability ball. Do your crunches on the ball to introduce instability to your workout, which will improve your balance too. There are also lots of core exercises that cathe way. Do this as often as you are comfortable or at times when it won't look weird. You can bend forward from the hips or, if you're really into it, bend at the knees too and really "sink" out of the way.
    • Add complex core-movements to your workout. That will boost your overall body constitution tremendously. For example, combine push-ups with rows. Go into a push-up position on two dumbbells. Now don't do a push-up, but instead start to row alternating dumbbells. See how much power you need only to hold balance? Combine exercises! Be creative. Tension is your friend.
  • Be sure to exercise your back muscles just as much as your abdominal muscles or you might develop poor posture.
  • Supplements can be useful, but they are just what they advertise themselves to be; supplements. There is no magic pill to make you lose weight with no work. There are some supplements out there that can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism or by helping you curb your appetite, but you still have to work. Most tend to be "snake oil" and will not really give you any results while costing you great deals of money. And remember, even if they DO help, all supplements still require the consumer to watch their diet and increase their exercise. A simple multivitamin or mineral pill is likely all that most people will need.
  • Opinions on weight loss and muscle training routines are like noses - everyone has one but they're all different. In the end, you should find something you enjoy and that you will stick for life. Over time, you can modify it until you get the results that are right for you.
  • Make sure you give yourself adequate amount of rest (8 hrs for adults, and 8-10 hrs for kids and teenagers). When exercising you actually break down the muscle and if you give then the proper time to heal (and eat the proper foods) they will grow back stronger than before.
  • It's a genetic fact that for some people there will always be just a little more fat over the muscle layers than we'd like. That's the way nature is and forcing your body to lose more than that can be a very dangerous effort.
  • Many people's abdominal muscles are off-set, which can give the illusion of a 5 pack, 4 pack, or even 3 pack depending upon your genetics, the thickness of your abs, and your present level of body fat.
  • It may help to use a record-keeper or plan book for your exercise program. Exercise journals are fantastic for this purpose because as you enter daily information in the journal, you're putting together a complete record that can be referred back to in the future.
  • If you feel you need to, ease into the changes in your lifestyle. Start eating breakfast. If you have difficulty with this, start with a couple glasses of water or a large cup of coffee right when you wake up. It'll go down easy and prepare your stomach to get back to work. Cut the amount of dinners little by little. For the exercises, start slow and increase pace and/or repetitions as you are comfortable. Attempting lifestyle changes in a drastic, sudden manner can backfire. Do what you can but don't sell yourself short.
  • Make a photo diary of your body but don't take pictures too often (once a month is fine). Don't study your pictures intensely since you might not get motivated if you don't see a difference. If you are consistent in your diet and exercise, you should see changes monthly. Keep in mind that you won't see changes in the mirror everyday since they will be very small improvements.
  • Unless you are watching your weight for another reason, ignore the reading on the scale. You may be decreasing your body fat but your weight may stay the same (or even increase) as you build muscle. Muscle tissue is denser than fat so it will be heavier than the same volume of fat. Water weight can also vary your readings by a surprisingly large amount.
  • Keep hydrated. Drink lots of water, and eat healthy. Don't deprive yourself from food, it will only make you sick.
  • Try swimming. It is one of the most effective ways of exercising your whole body, especially your abs.
  • Everyone has abs you just have fat covering them, you have to lose the fat then strengthen your abs.
  • Make sure to stretch before all exercises. If not you could injure yourself
  • Avoid drinking excessive alcohol as it can slow your metabolism.

How to Lose Weight in a Comfortable Way

Many people have tried to lose weight using impossible workouts and even more impossible diets. But if you are trying to increase your health, become more fit and look thinner try these simple tips and steps!


  1. Start out by looking at your current diet. Write down everything you eat in one week. You also may want to write down some little things like why you were eating a certain thing (like you were sad or it was at a party). DO NOT CHEAT! This is for you and you only. Be sure to keep honest and accurate notes (even though it would be nice to say you had one piece of cake when you really had two!). Sometimes, looking at all the bad choices you make helps you make better choices because you can see that your eating is out of control. You may even start to notice changes over the course of this week.
  2. After the week is over, examine your diet carefully. Look at the reasons why you ate what you did. Come up with some solutions, like if you were bored while watching t.v and you ate four bags of chips, keep a knitting basket by your t.v and every time you sit down, have your hands busy. Also, get into a routine. Eat every 4 hours even if you're not hungry so that you won't pig out if you miss a meal. To help get into this habit, keep a pack of sugar-free gum with you, and stick a piece in your mouth when you're feeling hungry.
  3. Now for exercise. This is again getting yourself into healthy routines. When you wake up in the morning, do 10 sit-ups (and as you get stronger, increase that amount). This will also help wake you up!
  4. When you come home from work or school, or just in the afternoon, run for 30 minutes. You can do this twice a week, and gradually increase the amount of time you run for and the amount of times a week you run. Eventually, you should be running everyday for a good 45 minutes. Some running tips are to stretch before and after a run, start a run and end a run by walking for 10 minutes before and after, drink tons of water, and listen to music like an I-pod or CD player while you run. Listening to music will distract you from how tired you really are! It's a great tip!
  5. At night before bed, do 10 more sit-ups. Again, this number should increase over time!
  • Don't eat less than three hours before you go to bed. If you eat then go to bed the food you ate digests the same, but the calories from the food have nowhere to go.
  • Don't eat when you're not hungry. There is no point to eat when you're not hungry. Many people are overweight because they eat when they're not hungry.
  • Drink a lot of water. It supposedly flushes out toxins and fat, but it also helps to keep your stomach fuller, so you feel less and more seldom hungry. The colder the water, the more full you will feel, and the better it tastes.
  • Keep busy and active. The more hobbies you have, the less time you'll have to lay around and munch.
  • Try a sport, like swimming. You can have fun, and become healthy.
  • Make a schedule. If you keep yourself in routines you will do more activities like running to lose weight, and you also won't have time to stray from this schedule and munch when you're not really hungry!
  • Try using mouthwash every two hours. You'll be a lot less tempted to eat when everything tastes like mint.
  • Ask a doctor before exercise, if you just had leg injuries.
  • Consult your doctor before attempting weight loss.
  • Do not ever try to starve yourself! You will not be healthy, and you may even may end up gaining weight, because you overeat when you try to get yourself back to a healthy weight.
  • (more of a reminder) I know a lot of stuff to get obesity off your mind.

HCG Diet Developed For Rapid Weight Loss

The HCG diet is made in an FDA approved lab and has been carefully developed by health experts who know what your body needs and how to make sure you have the proper nutrition while losing weight. Hundreds of thousands of people have successfully used the HCG diet and obtained phenomenal WEIGHT LOSS results with absolutely no side effects.

While on the HCG diet, most people don't experience any side effects. If you do come across some initial headaches and dizziness, you can easily correct these with proper hydration. Here are some tips to ensure you LOSE WEIGHT safely while on the HCG diet:

* Follow the directions exactly
* Do not skip MEALS
* Remember to stay hydrated

Foods You are Allowed to Eat.

With plenty of recipes and hearty, fresh foods to choose from, you’ll have loads of eating variety to keep you satisfied while on the diet. While some diet plans only supply vague guidelines to follow, the HCG Triumph kit includes a detailed list of foods you can enjoy while LOSING WEIGHT. So you can have an idea of what to expect while getting in shape, here’s the HCG diet food list for phases two and three:

More Good Reasons to Shed Pounds Using the Official HCG Diet Plan

We mentioned earlier, both here and on the Official HCG DIET Plan website, how losing just 20 poundscan halve or more one’s chances of developing cardiovascular problems or type 2 DIABETES. Those two avoidances are certainly reason enough to stay on the Official HCG DIET Plan and get down to one’s desired weight, but there’s more.


In addition, you can control your cholesterol and triglyceride levels by shedding weight. Cholesterol and triglycerides play big roles — when they’re elevated — in problems with arteries and plaque accumulation, which in turn can lead to heart attack and stroke.

So, while LOSING WEIGHT for vanity and appearance’s sake is important, think of the health benefits that accompany weight reduction.

We’ve received many, many testimonials attesting to the power of weight reduction to effect beneficial health changes. Official HCG Dieters report going off DIABETES and blood pressure medications that they’ve been taking for years once they got down to their “normal” weight.

Join the healthy, zestful, youthful club of weight losers and life winners by continuing on your diet plan until you’re down to the level you need to for optimal physiological results. You can do it, and you owe it to yourself.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Diet

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone naturally produced in the human body and is used quite frequently with the HCG DIET. It has many functions and is used medically to treat a variety of conditions. It is often referred to as the pregnancy hormone, but during pregnancy the levels double every two days. This hormone allows the body to metabolize stored fat and use it as energy for both mother and fetus. This acts as a “fail-safe” mechanism when energy is needed immediately. For weight loss during the HCG Diet, only a very small amount of HCG is used to capitalize on this same mechanism. Using HCG in this way during the HCG Diet does not mimic pregnancy; in fact, it can be safely used by both men and women. This dieting method was introduced by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in the 1970's and known as the HCG Diet. 

The HCG DIET allows your body to reverse the effect that has kept you from losing the weight you’ve always wanted to lose. It is normal for the body to want to store and lock excess fat, and your body has a built in tendency to try to keep your present weight and prevent drastic changes. This is one reason why starvation dieting does not work, you tend to lose MUSCLE MASS and the not the fat that you really want to lose. However, with the HCG DIET, increasing HCG levels allows the body to target your locked fat reserve, release energy and LOSE WEIGHT at a more rapid pace.

The HCG diet used in conjunction with a low calorie diet which helps you lose weight. Once you have lost the weight, you must reset your hypothalamus to recognize the new weight. The HCG Diet maintenance and stabilization phases are key to success. This causes thousands of calories that have been locked to be available and to be released as fuel; as a result, you don’t feel tired or hungry as long as you are getting appropriate amounts of rest.  Your body takes on a new shape because your locked stored fat is now being consumed as fuel; structural fat and muscle tissue are ignored and kept safe.

But, it is a hormone. The actual hormone is available on the market, but it is very expensive and has never been clinically proven. The homeopathic drops have been popular in the past, but they have been banned by the FDA. 

Welcome to the 21st Century and HC6 Drops!

HC6 Brand Diet Drops were created with a specific vision in mind. This vision is to help people achieve the miracle results of Dr. Simeons HCG diet, without the dangerous hormones. HC6 Drops contain ingredients that have been clinically proven to metabolize fats and proteins, thus helping you lose the weight with the HCG Diet on a program that has been proven to work.

But what about the low calorie HCG diet restrictions? This is a great question. Dr. Simeons HCG diet protocol required dieters to consume only 500 calories per day. HC6 Brand HCG Diet Drops are 400x stronger than any other product on the market. The majority of HCG Diet Drops out there are 80-90% water and/or alcohol. This means that you are getting a diluted dose of the HCG diet drops, even if there are active and clinically proven ingredients. HC6 Brand HCG Diet Drops are concentrated with the right dosage amount of ingredients that you need in order to be successful. This means that you can consume a higher calorie diet (800-1200 calories/day) and still achieve the same results with this HCG Diet.

Each HC6 Brand Weight Loss Kit Includes:

* Bottle(s) of drops for use with the HCG diet
* HCG DIET Protocol*
* Dr. Simeons' "Pounds and Inches" (Revised)*
* Recipes for during and after the HCG DIET*
* Weight trackers*
* Exercise planners

Friday, April 17, 2015

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that we do not know the causes and of which the prevalence is very important in the elderly. It causes progressive destruction of brain cells, neurons.

While some forms of the disease begin from 40 years, the majority of those affected are the first symptoms after the age of 60 years. The more we advance in age, the risks of suffering from the disease are high.

The first symptoms are memory disorders which are added gradually behavioral and language disorders, movement disorders, inability to recognize relatives, etc. The disease leads to a loss of autonomy and an early death. Doctors distinguish several stages of the disease, from beginner stage to end stage, during which the patients are strongly affected and have lost all autonomy. It can diagnose the disease through Alzheimer's test.

Dementia: not necessarily a consequence of Alzheimer

Senile dementia is one of the consequences of Alzheimer's disease. But it may be due to other illnesses called dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia or vascular dementia.

Currently, there is no real way of prevention against Alzheimer's disease. But we do not know yet how to prevent Alzheimer's disease, some factors appear to partially protect against the disease. Among them, a good DIET rich in omega-3 and a regular mental and physical exercise.

Unfortunately, there is still no Alzheimer treatment that can cure or prevent this disease. Some medications can alleviate the symptoms at the beginning of the disease but their effectiveness is limited.

The non-drug therapy (alternative medicine) plays a crucial role in maintaining a good quality of life for patients and their caregivers, as well as a balanced DIET. Finally, some structures are developing Alzheimer Memory workshops to help patients maintain their memory.

Auto Parts

To replace a car part, it is essential to comply with the manufacturer standards.

To repair your vehicle, you must find car parts.

Auto parts: the different organs

The maintenance of vehicle drives occasionally changes of auto parts. The substituting

most frequently concerns the following organs:

ENGINE: Clutch yoke, turbo, injector, starter, air filter, candle, fuel filter, distribution kit.

EXHAUST: Catalytic converter, silent.

ROLLING TRAIN: Ball joints, universal joints, shock absorbers, tires, bearings.

LIGHTING: Headlight or fire glass, optical, light bulb.

AIR CONDITIONING: Compressor, cabin filter.

HEATING/VENTILATION: radiator, air blower, probe, thermostat.

BRAKING: Drum, brake pads, jaw, disc, brake cable.

DIRECTION: Steering knuckle, suspension arm, stabilizer bar.

BODY: Front bumper, rear bumper, mirrors, sills, doors, wings, bonnet, tailgate.

Change auto parts: regulatory compliance

When changing auto parts, they must comply with:

> the regulations,

> standards.

Should be observed:

> the technical standards required by OEMs,

> test methods, 

> safety, 

> environment. 

Choosing auto parts: 

Whatever the car element to change or add, you can find different types of auto parts:

> new auto parts in the automotive distribution elements,

> used auto parts in the breakages auto, 

> Remanufactured parts for most reconditioned and sold at discount prices, 

> parts found on a car for parts.

Air Conditioning

Originally designed to cool a room or a house, the air conditioning is improved and also works as a full-fledged heating through heat pump system. However, it is not always easy to choose among many options. 

air conditioner

Home air conditioning features

Before purchasing an air conditioning system for your home, be sure to various elements, to choose the closest model to your expectations:

=> Inverter technology: operating the device continuously and modulating the speed and power of system depending on outside temperature and your needs. It saves up to 25 % energy.

=> Noise: technology has greatly reduced the noise level of air conditioning units. A good air conditioner displays a noise level less than 30 dB. Choose in preference certified Eurovent. 

There is also a silence option: air conditioning works but almost without any noise.

=> Air filtration: contrary to popular belief, air conditioning improves air quality, through its filters. The quality of filtration is variable depending on the model and requires proper maintenance of the air conditioner. 

air conditioning

=> Installation tips: a poorly installed air conditioning can cause cold drafts. The cold air moves towards the ceiling and then goes down. Proper installation allows better mixing cold air and room air. It is better to go through a professional for optimal installation.

=> Power: air conditioning will increase your electricity consumption related to a piece of 15-25 % depending on usage. If it is not strong enough, it will go overspeed. Result: a high consumption of electricity for a lesser result. Conversely, over-sized, your electricity bill will not suffer too much, but you have purchased an unnecessarily expensive device. To evaluate the necessary power, make a free heat balance by a professional.


With family or friends, usability is always there with the barbecue. However, summer is not the only season conducive to use the famous barbecue, indeed, some models can be used inside!

barbecueBarbecues, for what?

The Barbecue is a device for cooking all kinds of food, grilling them over a fire or electrical resistance. Its advantages are undeniable and have also made ​​it a success: convenient to use, friendly and festive, and used outside as well as inside depending on models.

But these are not its only assets! The variety of models offers many aesthetic possibilities, techniques, culinary... It is up to you to choose the design, options, cooking method and other features, according to your tastes and needs.

There are two types of barbecue implanting:

=> outside,

=> inside.

Outdoor barbecues

Fixed barbecues

The barbecue can be fixed, that is to say that you can not move it without performing work, once it is installed. Most often, this type of barbecues is masonry.

In the case of fixed barbecues, there are 3 main types of materials:

=> stone, very aesthetic,

=> brick, traditional material,

=> cellular concrete, the cheapest.

Certain fixed barbecues require the installation of a metal fireplace. The same type can transform its fireplace barbecue.

It is possible to build a fixed barbecue yourself, provided you are a good handyman because you will make the masonry from the elements provided by the seller.

 Mobile, portable and disposable barbecues

The barbecue can also be mobile. It is then mounted on wheels. There are mobile barbecues of all sizes, from the simplest model to the complete garden kitchen.

Finally, it can be portable. It is mounted on feet higher or lower, and you move it during transportation.

For mobile and portable barbecues, several materials are available:

=> steel,

=> melting.

Finally, there are even disposable barbecues!

Indoor barbecues

Inside, the barbecue finds its place simply on a table, a bit like other individual cooking appliances, such as raclette.

However it can also be integrated directly into your kitchen or at your chimney.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


The curtains are the finishing touch to a successful design. They also play a role for insulation, privacy or sun protection. What curtains to choose among many existing models?

What are the main functions of a curtain?

The various functions of a curtain:

=> The blackout curtain and insulating curtain have a main function to protect yourself:

- from prying eyes,

- from heat and cold;

=> acoustic curtain, meanwhile, reduce noise between a noisy area and a quiet area;

=> the net curtain will protect you from insects that disrupt your well-being while filtering light.

What types of curtain to decorate your home?

Different types of curtains:

=> Double curtain, elegant and sophisticated, contributes to the ambience of your home.

=> The kitchen curtain, small sheer or blind curtain, must be resistant and easy to maintain.

=> The door curtain, very functional, will protect you from airflow. It can also hide an unsightly door.

=> The shower curtain, while remaining a decorative element, is waterproof and easy to maintain.

=> Wall hangings, interior design object, a wall dresses and softens a room by giving warmth.