Thursday, April 16, 2015

Garden Shed

garden chic
Be relatively good handyman:

=> Install a garden shed is an operation that requires more precision and rigor that it dosn't pose a real difficulty: mounting techniques are simple and diagrams to explain very well done.

=> Besides the establishment of soil and foundations, to shelter size 10 m2, plan:

- 2 to 3 hours of mounting for assembly screwed panels.
- 5 to 7 hours for a plug-in connection.

=> It is better to be more than 1 to build your garden shed (especially for handling panels).

=> The tricky part is to make the foundation of your shed:

- Concrete blocks at the corners or wooden platform for shelter of modest dimensions.
- Concrete or cinder blocks for larger structures. For concrete foundations, use a mason unless you are an expert !

The characteristics of your garden and shelter are standard:

=> Surface (if not, need for laborious operation of excavation)

=> Square or rectangular shape: you can find everything from 5 to 30 m2 or more

=> A classic material: wood, pvc, galvanized metal

=> Aesthetics: you can not do exactly what you want, but a lot of choices are available to you, so you will most likely find your ideal garden shed.

Where to buy a garden shed to assemble yourself ?

In almost all cases, the garden shed is sold in a kit ready to mount, you buy it in supermarkets, with specialist in a garden or on the internet.

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