Thursday, April 16, 2015


Acne is a skin disease that usually affects adolescents. It can also occur in infants and adults, to varying degrees. It is important to know the causes in order to find the most appropriate treatment.

best acne treatment | get rid of acne

This dermatitis is due to excessive secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands (against the skin drying), in the hair follicles at the hairs root, forming pimples.

There are two types of acne: retentional and inflammatory.

=> Blackheads, whiteheads or blackheads cysts are formed, it is retentional acne.

=> A bacterium comes to nest in the hair follicle and causes comedo or cyst inflammation. This is where appear the red buttons. If these buttons are infected, they form pustules, pimples loaded with pus. It is inflammatory acne.

If acne is a mild illness in the vast majority of cases, 1-2 % of people affected presents forms of severe and chronic acne.

Two main causes: hormonal and exogenous

Most often, the cause of acne is hormonal, hypersecretion of sebum is promoted by androgens (male hormones). Periods of hormonal changes may be associated with acne breakouts, especially during:

=> puberty: the androgens production (including testosterone) causes an overproduction of sebum, for both boys and girls.

=> the menstrual cycle,

=> pregnancy

=> menopause

Acne may also be exogenous, that is to say caused by an outside agent

=> certain drugs: corticosteroids, antidepressants, oral contraceptives;

=> cosmetics: creams, lotions, powders, foundations;

=> stress, pollution, dust, certain chemicals;

=> repeated rubbing against clothing.

Local treatments: for minimal acne to moderate 

Local treatments for retentional minor acne: comedones, blackheads, micro-cysts. They are issued by prescription and come in the form of creams, gels or solutions:

=> derivatives of vitamin A (retinoids) promote the comedones removal and reduce inflammation;

=> local antibiotics (erythromycin);

=> antiseptics (benzoyl peroxide).

Oral treatments: for more severe acne

Treatments orally treat most severe acne, it is to say the extended inflammatory forms or of prolonged evolution. There are three main treatments, issued by prescription:

=> Antibiotics: they destroy bacteria in pimples and have anti-inflammatory action.

=> Oral isotretinoin (Roaccutane type): highly effective, it also has strong side effects and requires medical supervision. It is prescribed in failure case of a first treatment.

=> Hormonal treatment (pill): for women, the contraceptive hormonal treatment decreases the male hormone levels, often responsible for acne.

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