Home automation is a centralized network and communicating meter for safety and comfort of your environment. However, home devices concerned with automation are numerous.
Principles and purposes of the Home Automation
Understanding the definition of home automation captures what are its three main objectives and tools used to achieve this: facilitating energy savings through controlled reactivity of a smart home. Ensure the protection of people and safety automation goods. Ensure daily life comfort of the elderly, among others, by installing a home automation Personal Meter Reader (Independence of persons).
The home automation system is divided, in a home automation installation, in 6 families of equipment both complementary and interdependent.
The motorization is at the service of your home. More comfort with less effort and more security! Wait exactly a motorization? The gate operator is possible, regardless of the model already installed in your home, except in very special cases. The operator of the garage door meets the same requirements. The motorization of flaps allows more comfort, more security and more energy savings. Home automation of the pool allows to meet the specific needs of a potential area of danger and waste, including energy waste.
The actions you take every day, automations are in charge for you. Solar function, wind function, TWILIGHT
function, temperature, clock... are all intelligent systems capable of reproducing.
Programming the Home Automation uses specific software making use of operating systems capable of managing all technical equipment in your home (lighting, blinds, heating, security systems). Overall, home automation programming controls the 2 main energy sources: the management of your heating and ofcourse that of the lighting network.
Home automation devices
All domestic equipment is, in principle, home automation devices. However, growth in the home automation market is reflected, among others, by the appearance of devices specifically designed to be integrated into it as home automation vacuum, that democratizes slowly; audio and home cinema (and TV) home automation, arguably the strongest commercial demand currently.
Sensors and controls
A home automation sensor converts a physical quantity (temperature, light, humidity, flow, presence of object, ...) into a signal (analog, radio or electrical). This conversion of physical quantity allows processing of the electric signal by the electronic structures for the purpose of measurement and/or control, and/or alarms.
A communicating network
The communication takes an ever more important place in housing. Make sure you understand what is meant by the term smart home marketing is essential before any personal automation project. Remember that include communicating for habitat, so automation, you would take 3 very different ways, or even combine them with a well thought out home automation wiring, home automation wireless (WiFi, radio, ...), for automation powerline (called X10).
Piloting interfaces
In a home automation system and its installation, it needs control equipment. It is important upstream of your home automation project to think about the ergonomics of the control interface.
This control can be done with 4 types of interfaces:
=> a home automation remote that goes from the classical "zapper" to smartphone, or still better to the touch pad!
=> home automation screen, both your TV as a PC, dedicated or not, etc...;
=> your phone, with a single finger and with proper programming while driving home or nearly or remotely (from a smartphone).
=> Internet network... which is no longer present.
Where, in the house? Kitchen, bathroom, garden...?
All parts of the house are concerned, for example, in the kitchen, to simplify our meal preparation, cleaning, and so many other things promised by innovations increasingly avant-garde. In the bathroom where, although the home automation still ahead carefully here, its benefits are really to discover. Not to mention the garden... in order to find more charms than "chores" if you know cunningly entrust them to home automation.
Home: home automation installation
Very accessible, both in terms of budget, materials and solutions, home automation installation will benefit anyway from help, or advice, of a specialized company. Especially, if you are considering a building or renovation. Be aware, in this case, that building architects and artisans are not yet very familiar with home automation technologies.
Remember: the unavoidable 5 basic for a typical installation:
=> home automation scheme gives form and visualization to your project, so far purely imaginary;
=> home automation standards where there is still a lot of white. So there is a real difficulty in navigating!
=> home automation center which, as the word suggests, coordinates all of the installation;
=> the dedicated home automation software or not (now optional depending on the chosen solution): a vast area where the advice and experience of a specialist are required;
=> home automation kit, that is to say, the "ready"!
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