Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Using Follow up Autoresponder Messages to Keep the Money Rolling in

Did you know that it takes approximately 7 interactions with a person before they buy from you? Because of this, it’s important that you capture every name and email address you can when they visit your site and follow up with them quickly. In order to capture this information you need to have something enticing (a free report, eBook, etc) they want and for which they’re willing to give you their name and/or email address.

But just capturing names and emails is not enough. You need to stay in contact with them, and that’s where your autoresponder comes in. An autoresponder is a series of emails that go out at specified intervals. For example, your first email generally goes out immediately, then you might send one the following day, and again in three days, and again in a week. This keeps readers interested and “trains” them to watch for and read your emails.

That’s important, because unless they’re actually consuming your content, you aren’t likely to make any sales, and that’s why you have an Aweber or GetResponse account in the first place, right?

So how can your autoresponder help pay for itself? There are lots of ways, including:

1. Provide a useful, but incomplete ecourse. For example, if you own a membership site that teaches knitting through video and how-to articles, your autoresponder might include 7 simple cast on techniques. In each lesson, make sure you let them know that other, more detailed information can be found in your membership. This gets new knitters started, but if they want to really learn to knit, they’ll need to join your site.

2. Affiliate Promotions – while you don’t want every single message you send out to be a promotion to buy something, several of your follow up emails will probably include an affiliate promotion of some sort. It’s only natural, if you use and love product or service that will make the lives of your customers easier, to want to tell them about it. If you can promote something like webhosting or a monthly membership these are great because you’ll earn a recurring income off just one follow up email.

3. Write Reviews – this goes along with affiliate promotions but is another great way to utilize autoresponder follow up messages to keep the money rolling in. More than likely you’re already using software or web hosting or purchased a product or service so these would be the easiest ways to write a review. Once you write the review (and make sure to give your honest opinion about the product/service), set it up in your autoresponder and make sure to include your affiliate link.

4. Promote Your Own Products or Services – of course one of the main reasons you want people on your list is so you can show them that you’re the expert in your niche so don’t forget to also promote yourself and your own products or services!

5. Advertising – be careful with this one. To sell advertising space in your newsletter it’s really important that you make sure the ad is relevant to your niche. For example if your list is about dog training it wouldn’t make sense to run an ad about knitting. You’ll also want to periodically check on the advertising you use. Remember, your autoresponder will continue to go out whenever someone new signs up for your list, so you need to make sure any advertisements are still relevant (and current) from time to time.

What you’re doing when you follow these tips for using autoresponder follow up messages is setting up a passive income stream. You do the work once and passively bring in income for as long as people continue to subscribe to your list.

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