Like any business, you must have a clear game plan or marketing plan or you may find yourself spending plenty of precious time using Twitter but seeing few results. Remember you are using Twitter for marketing and not a casual tool.
Think of specific keywords in selecting your Twitter username. Keep it easy to remember and spell. For personal branding, your own name works wonders. Also, don’t forget to think keywords in your short bio. People will often find others on Twitter by searching keywords in Twitter Search.
Choose a good picture of you for the image because most people remember faces well.
When your account is set up be sure to start tweeting (status updating) right away. Don't be picky. Just start sharing. It's important that you have some updates on your Twitter page before others see it.
Remember, content is king. Tweet links to your videos, squidoo lenses, articles, blogposts, audios, or anything else interesting to your target niche market.
Once you have a huge following be sure to post content regularly. Since you can post to Twitter via cell phone, instant messaging, Facebook, Squidoo, MySpace, Blogger, TypePad, and Wordpress new tweets can happen even when you are doing something else.
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