Tuesday, July 7, 2015

10 Foods That Help in Weight Loss

The foods that help in weight loss are those that besides staying healthy, help speed up metabolism, burn calories, strengthen the immune system and give you energy. But best of all, there are foods that assist with the weight loss and also improve overall health.

These foods Helping in weight loss tend to increase or decrease the temperature, causing the body to spend calories to return to normal temperature and so are also foods that help you lose belly and lose weight healthily.


Salmon is an excellent source of lean proteins that increase the feeling of satiety. In addition, the salmon has no saturated fats (bad) present in red meat, however it is rich in Omega 3, a substance that helps improve memory, concentration and reduce stress levels.

Chicken breast

To lose weight, you must reduce the number of calories ingested. But how do you cut calories without starving?

Answer: by focusing on proteins, components that satiate the better. They provide sustained energy, unlike sugars that provide energy for short or medium term. Consume at every meal, from breakfast, it is the insurance to avoid cravings.

As such, the chicken breast (provided you consume it without the skin) is champion all categories as it does not provide only protein (more than 26 g per 100 g), but in addition it is low in fat (less of 2 g per 100 g).


Agar-agar is a red algae known for its high fiber content (about 80%). This is an excellent slimming ally because it is not only very low in calories (3 kcal per gram) but in addition it forms a gel that will help slow the passage of carbohydrates into the bloodstream.

There are several ways to use agar-agar.

=> In the kitchen, it can replace the traditional animal gelatin. It allows the preparation of desserts, creams, mousses... ultra-light version.

=> Diluted in tea or herbal tea for example, it has an appetite suppressant effect. 1 g per cup, to pour into the boiling liquid. Let cool before drinking.

Note: To properly fulfill its role of gelatine, it must be boiled. Do not forget this important step.

Good to know: the agar-agar is 8 times more powerful than gelatine. If you rely on a recipe incorporating animal gelatine, know that 1 g of agar-agar = 8 g of gelatine.


Garlic is a Food that helps in weight loss, garlic lowers cholesterol, eliminates fat excess and speeds up metabolism, aiding in weight loss.


The Broccoli has different nutritional properties. This plant is an effective diuretic, acts as a laxative and is excellent for kids. Broccoli also helps to increase the feeling of satiety as well as being rich in protein.


Quinoa is a grain rich in protein, fiber and essential amino acids needed to build muscle to speed up metabolism. In addition, quinoa has a low glycemic index and does not contain gluten and offers prolonged satiety and provides energy because its carbohydrates are slowly metabolized.


This grain greatly helps in weight loss because it provides satiety to our body and this causes us to be without food for a longer period of time. But the benefits do not end there! The lentil also lowers cholesterol levels, increases fertility, is antioxidant, contains fewer calories, rich in proteins and fibers, slows down aging and combats anemia!


Cinnamon has the property to slow the absorption of glucose and thus to reduce the level of sugar in the blood. Result: the body stores less sugar as fat and weight loss is easier.

In everyday life, it is very easy to enjoy the slimming benefits of cinnamon. Just replace the powdered sugar that is put in his coffee, his tea or his yogurt with a pinch of cinnamon. This is excellent for the line, but also delicious.

Good to know: Cinnamon is also an excellent source of fiber. A teaspoonful of ground cinnamon (2 g) contains no less than 1.3 grams of fiber!


Oats is a very complete cereal because of the fiber content and vitamin B5, Vitamin E and Vitamin B6 to help you lose weight. Consumed during breakfast, with or without fruit. If you choose to add fruit, we recommend apple, strawberry or papaya. So in addition to control hunger, oatmeal helps your body to send away what is not good.

Green tea

The slimming virtues of green tea are well known. They are related to the presence of several components:

=> Its theine increases basal metabolism, that is to say the number of calories burned at rest.

=> Its tannins inhibit the absorption of fat.

=> Its catechins (antioxidant molecules) are fighting against the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdomen. They have a real slimming action, provided they are accompanied by a suitable plan. The main catechin in green tea, called EGCG, also allows to better control his appetite.

Good to know: To benefit from all the slimming virtues of green tea, we must consume it at least 3 cups a day.

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