The well-being of the body is through diet. Physical health is a prerequisite for balanced diet.
The saying "you have to eat to live and not live to eat" is a dietary truth:
=> Proof of this is that people who eat too much or eat poorly, have all kinds of problems: cholesterol, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, skin problems, etc. ;
=> when we eat poorly, the risks to our health are many, but in industrialized countries, people run more risk because of the excess rather than the wants. Obesity is also steadily increasing.
The balance on our plate: eat well, what is it?
Eating well everything in reasonable quantities
It sounds simplistic. Yet, we have all that is good for our health without necessarily having to resort to substitutes, drugs, and other capsules, although some people can use it for reasons relating to:
=> age;
=> fragility (disease);
=> or a temporary condition (pregnancy, lactation).
The key to a healthy adult, is:
=> Know compose his meal of the day according to the standards of dietetics: that is to say, in accordance with the quantities of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals essential to our daily balance.
=> Limit excesses: eating too much, eating too fast, jump one or more meals, drink too much alcohol and too little water...
=> Do not make too restrictive diets: beware of plans that inherently eliminate all fats and all sugars (which harm respectively in skin elasticity and functioning of the brain that needs glucose). Diets should always be followed by a registered dietitian or a doctor and must remain exceptional.
Eating well and emotional balance
Eating well is not just to please our bodies, stay physically healthy and keep the line.
Eating well is also:
=> run your taste buds and take pleasure in tasting flavors;
=> a social process that allows us to maintain relationship with friends or with family and closer it over a meal;
=> a moment of relaxation after a hard day: hence the importance of smelling and tasting dishes in a moment of serenity while ignoring our problems and family and social conflicts;
=> eat slowly and take your time. Do not eat in a hurry. By eating slowly, in a quiet environment:
=> taking time to chew food you get faster at a satiety state;
=> conversely: swallow without chewing does not stall us enough and we eat twice as much.
Body well-being in its environment
The body well-being requires an adequate nutrition that is to say, a kitchen respecting the DIET rules and is rich in essential nutrients and essential vitamins for our balance.This healthy food life can be supplemented by natural methods such as phytotherapy or aromatherapy. Indeed, plants and essential oils have natural beneficial properties to humans and can enable them to achieve well-being.
Habitat and decoration are now considered as important elements to our well-being. Organize the house under the rules of health program or add plants to clean up the atmosphere while leaving plenty of room to light, may be means to achieve it.
To be well in its environment, specialists can be found:
=> Dietician: his role is to provide advice on nutrition;
=> Naturopath: advices on different aspects of lifestyle in order to restore a balance;
=> Herbalist: doctors by plants;
=> Therapist: his role is to avoid stress, depression, overwork...