Sunday, November 30, 2014

Consumer Search Guide processes various topics grouped into five universes (Home / DIY, Money / Law, Consumer / Services, Health / Beauty, Career / Business). It provides  the answers to questions of the people everyday life and offers well written content on each of the subjects.

Meet the Consumer Search Guide Author

I am Fouad Fadl, a blogger and author of this guide that tries always to deliver exceptional results to clients and community. With a straightforward vision, it conducts to help customers and companies getting the most out of their businesses.

The guide can provide you professional and effective solutions to cover all your business needs, so that your only concern is growth.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Hydropower or hydroelectric energy uses the potential energy of water flows (rivers, waterfalls, ocean currents, etc.). The kinetic energy of the water stream is converted into mechanical energy by a turbine, and then into electrical energy by a generator.

Hydropower is the first renewable source and the third general source of electricity production in the world (16.3% in 2011) behind the coal (40.6%) and gas (22.2%).

Categories of plants

A hydroelectric plant consists of a water retention (taking "over water" or dam) and a production facility.

Gravity stations

Gravity stations take advantage of the water flow and altitude. They can be classified according to the turbine flow and height of fall. There are three types of gravity stations (listed here in order of importance in the hydraulic mix):

- Over water centrals use the flow of a river and provide basic energy produced "over water" and immediately injected on the water system.

- the sluice central in large rivers with relatively steep as the Rhine or the Rhone, dams on the river or a canal parallel to the river causing suites of HF waterfalls that do not disturb the whole valley through parallel dikes to river.

- lakes central (or central of high falls) are also associated with a water reservoir created by a dam.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Therapeutic Research

Therapeutic research is the discipline that helps develop evidence upon which is based the development and use of drugs and medical devices.

Framed by a methodology, ethics and stringent legislation, therapeutic research conducts studies in general practice, in hospitals and in accredited public or private research facilities.

It uses a scientific approach based on clinical tests.

Although clinical tests of drugs are most widespread, clinical research may also focus on understanding the mechanisms of the disease or the development of new preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic techniques.

Skip the laboratory to the human

It all starts with "preclinical research" performed by academic or pharmaceutical laboratories, on biological models (in vitro tests) or animals (in vitro tests). When the researchers believe they have found a potentially effective treatment, it goes to the next stage of "Clinical Research" or search in humans. it is rigorous and objective comparison, in patients, the promising new treatment to the best known treatments.

Treatments can be drugs or medical devices (implanted devices, prosthetics, etc...).

Is the experimentation in humans necessary?

Although the tests in vitro or in animal models provide valuable information in the early stages of research, only tests on humans can confirm that the results obtained in these steps are transferable to humans. Clinical tests are therefore needed and required before to place new treatments on the market.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


The allergy results from an inadequate reaction of the body after contact with substances encountered in everyday life. There are two types of allergies: immediate allergy and delayed allergy.

Immediate allergy

The immediate allergy develops if there is a genetic predisposition. This is called "atopy". Immediate allergy takes different forms, depending on the responsible allergen. This allergen can be aerial (in the atmosphere), alimentary, medical or professional.

Allergic reaction may be:

- breathing (occasional or daily rhinitis, asthma);
- ocular (conjunctivitis);
- cutaneous (atopic eczema or hives outbreaks);
- edematous, corresponding to swelling most often located on the face (lips, eyelids) and can also affect the mucous membranes of the throat (angioedema)...;
- generalized (anaphylaxis with a major life-threatening and requires emergency treatment with epinephrine).

The delayed allergy

The delayed allergy can affect everyone. It primarily targets the skin on which a dermatitis appears in contact of responsible allergen. This is called contact dermatitis.

What causes allergies?

The causes of air and food allergies are multiple.

The causes of air allergies

Air allergies affect mainly the nose, bronchi and eyes.

The main allergens responsible for allergies are:

- mites: they constitute about 90% of the dust in your home. Microscopic, they love the heat (above 20 °C) and humidity;
- pets: they are sources of allergenic proteins in their sebaceous glands, their sweat glands (dogs and cats) or in their urine (rodents);
- pollens, whose flowering seasons vary depending on the geographical distribution of plants. Only pollen carried by the wind are allergenic. Air pollution increases their aggressiveness;
- mold: they multiply in contact with a moist atmosphere (bathroom, kitchen, in case of water leakage);
- cockroaches: housed in the cracks, at the rear of the appliance, they come out preferably overnight;
- latex: its allergenic proteins are dispersed into the ambient air.

The causes of food allergies

The causes of food allergies vary depending on eating habits and should be explored with your doctor.

In children, the most common allergens in question are:

- milk;
- egg;
- peanuts;
- nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds,...).

In adults, food allergies are often linked to consumption of certain fruits (apple, pear, plum, peach, apricot, strawberry). Cross allergies are common with pollens (birch), condiments, spices, exotic fruits (banana, kiwi) and nuts, and wheat flour. Cooking, storage, peeling foods can also play a role.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Shareware And Freeware Download

Shareware is a program created by independent developers and small companies and that can be used for free by users for a limited time before becoming a surcharge. Freeware is a free program.

The main categories of shareware and freeware

Unsurprisingly, shareware and freeware of games, security and utilities are among the most downloaded categories.

Here you are a short list of shareware security software:

- shareware and freeware anti-phishing;
- shareware and freeware anti malware;
- shareware and freeware anti-virus.

You will also find a selection of shareware utilities:

- shareware and freeware of image compression;
- shareware and freeware of audio editing;
- shareware and freeware of ftp;
- shareware and freeware of budget and invoices;
- shareware and freeware of image editing.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Develop Garden Paths

Small ways and large paths all have a role practice, but also aesthetics. They are easy to achieve with proper planning of work but also a taste because it is an opportunity to showcase the garden.


Develop a garden path: Before you begin...

There are several ways to make driveways, depending on the material type:

- Clay driveways: the most simple, they require no maintenance. They have the biggest problem to turn into mud in rainy weather and suffer substantial erosion over time;

- Grassed fairways: the most aesthetic, they require much maintenance, should be mowed frequently and resent the trampling. They are often used in kitchen gardens or in English gardens, as an access road or simple path;

- The gravel paths: classic for all access roads and landscaped paths, they have the advantage of being draining and prevent runoff and erosion. Aesthetically pleasing, they are made with washed river gravel and small arms or fine aggregates. There are several colors, depending on the used mineral (granite, sandstone, shale, lava or marble). This is the type of path we will describe the development in this sheet.

Define the layout of your garden paths

The driveway can be functional, to lead you from one point to another, or more aesthetic purpose, for a walk in the garden.

In the first case, it is advisable to avoid too sinuous curves. Look at the usual way points. In the second case, let yourself be guided by landscaping your garden (presence of a terrace, a pond, a swimming pool, small garden, ...).

At the location of paths, mark accurately the surface of driveway with two poles and a rope.

Establish an sub-layer

- Your driveway should bear the runoff rainwater and resist compaction due to repeated passages, hence the need to install a drainage sub-layer.

- With a spade, disburse topsoil about 10 inches deep for a walkway (or 22 cm for a carriage driveway) and the desired width.

- Spread an sub-layer of all-comers (crushed marl). Spread it out a few inches thick for a walkway (15 cm to a roadway).

- Compact the soil with a garden roller.

- Then cover with a thin layer of sand and spread it with a rake.

- Compact one more time the roller.

- Cover your gravel driveway

It will just cover this sub-layer of moving gravel or chippings. Choose an amount sufficient to properly cover the sub-layer. We must not see it walking. Large amounts may be required to provide well upstream of the site.

Border driveway (optional)

If you want to give your driveway a strict outline, you can tuck. This option is also useful to hold the gravel that can disperse over time.

Depending on the desired effect, you can use planks or beams of treated wood, bricks laid on edge, precast reconstituted stone or even pouring concrete using an extrusion machine.

Spread on sides of the driveway a mortar bed and drop the elements of edge by pressing lightly.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tips For a Good Start in Online Shopping

You're determined to make your first purchase on the Internet. Ensconced in your seat, you will be able to compare, choose and order in a few clicks. An online transaction is not mysterious or disturbing, as long as you respect some basic rules.

Do you create a specific email address ? 

Each merchant site benefits usually your first home purchase to use your contact email to send you advertisements and other solicitations. It is strongly recommended to use a special email address for online purchases in order not to disclose your primary address. You will avoid clogging your mailbox. 

To get a new address, use the services of your Internet service provider that offers generally to create more. You can also use free services like Gmail, Yahoo !, Hotmail, etc.

Surfing the Internet implies that we have protected PC with antivirus regularly updated, supplemented by detection software of malware softwares (spyware, malware...). Necessary 
precautions fortiori if you buy online. 

Start with simple purchases 

Start gently to try your hand with a dematerialized product and inexpensive. You can explore the different steps of transaction and receive your purchase immediately. 

Start your important purchases with major retailers 

For example, suppose you want to buy computer equipment or small appliances. Visit the sites of major retailers that you know they will give you all the guarantees of security and service like Amazon. You will discover how a sales process in good and due form shall be conducted with respect to the delivery, guaranteed return, the service, etc. Valuable information that will help you later to gauge the seriousness of a merchant site. 

One last look before confirming purchase 

At each step of the transaction, carefully read each information. Beware checked options of bar that automatically add an extended warranty or insurance, as well as references authorizing the merchant site to communicate your contact information to their partners. 

Note that some sites offer you to check a box to not receive requests from other to uncheck a box. Be sure to check the information about ordering, quantities, delivery time and address you provided as typing errors are frequent.  As potential buyers, you have specific rights.